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Ballerina Day workshops.jpg

Show Save the Date!

We are already really looking forward to this year's annual show at Tadcaster Riley Smith Hall! 

The dress rehearsal will be in the afternoon at Bramham Village Hall on 10/11/24 & show day will be on 17/11/24. Children will be required to do a tech run in the morning on show day, have a leisurely lunch, then come back for the afternoon's performance!

If you would like to be a chaperone or show helper, please get in touch with Ruth.

We can't wait!


Watching Week
9th-13th of July

During the last week of term, please come and watch the last 15 minutes of your child's dance class, so that you can see what we have been learning, including some technique exercises and of course some fantastic dance routines!


This is an informal sharing and gives you a lovely insight into our classes and your child's development.


We look forward to seeing you there!

Book a 2 week trial for

Bookings are now open for September. If you would like to book a 2 week trial then please have a look at our September timetable. 

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